Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out the privacy-related rights and responsibilities between [Secunnix] (We, Our, Company) and [User] (You, Your). Collection, use, sharing and storage of personal information between you and the Company the following matters are accepted and committed:

1. Collected Information and Purposes of Use: The Company may collect certain personal information in order to provide and improve our services. This information may include identification information such as your name, contact information and preferences. This information may be used to provide better service to you, to communicate can be used to answer your questions and personalize our services.

2. Information Sharing: Your personal information may only be shared with third parties for the purpose of providing our services, communicating with our business partners or fulfilling our legal obligations. These sharings are carried out under confidentiality and security measures and third parties are not allowed to use this information for other purposes.

3. Security Precautions: The Company takes appropriate physical, electronic and administrative measures to ensure the security of your personal information. However, it is important to remember that communicating over the Internet has general security risks.

4. Children's Privacy: The Company does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If you suspect that the information of a person under the age of 13 has been collected, please notify us immediately.

5. Privacy Policy Updates: The company reserves the right to update the privacy policy. Appropriate methods are used to announce updates. The updated policies will be effective from the date the changes take effect.

This privacy policy has been prepared to explain how we process and protect your personal information. We care about your privacy and strive to protect your personal information at the highest level.

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